segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010

Moments worth living

Today, our lives are so fast that people can`t reconcile work and study with family and friends, which is not my case because I can very well study for school and have fun with my family and my friends.
In my life I have lived many moments that I think were worth living, not all of them are good, because sometimes we get off the bad things good things, for example, once I fought with a beginner at my old school, after the fight we became very good friends.
One advice I give to you who are reading this article, live every moment, because many of them are not good, but most will be moments that are worth living.

By Luiz Galinkin


Nome: Felipe Dias Sala: D Ano: 1º
1.Como foi realizar o projeto de escrita no blog?
Foi uma ótima forma de praticar minha escrita de inglês, muito bom , conseguiu unir o entretenimento, com os posts de notícias curiosas com o aprendizado na escrita.
2. Quais foram os pontos positivos do projeto?
Aprendemos de dois jeitos, o primeiro, e mais importante, foi treinar o writing e o segundo foi aprender com o conteúdo das notícias.
3. Quais foram os pontos negativos?
Creio que poderia existir mais posts com tópicos como música, cultura, etc.
4. O que você aprendeu ao realizar esse trabalho?
Aprendi que podemos aprender inglês de forma prazerosa.
5. O que você sugere para os próximos anos?
Sugiro que o blog continue, e que exista mais tópicos culturais
6. Você sugere mais trabalhos colaborativos desse tipo? Explique.
Sugiro sim, pois ajuda no entretenimento da sala.
7. Você acha que pode desenvolver a escrita? Explique.
Claro, com o blog treinamos ferrenhamente a escrita e a cada post vimos os erros e aperfeiçoamos mais a nossa escrita
8. Você acha que o blog ajudou na construção do seu conhecimento? Explique.
Ajudou pois alé de treinarmois a escrita em inglês conhecemos a partir dos topicos várias curiosidades.
9. Quais foram os maiores obstáculos desse projeto?
Pensar se o que eu estav escrevendo estava certo ou se era coerente com o que estava sendo pedido.
10. Você acha que o seu objetivo foi realizado?
Claro. Meu ingles no geral teve uma boa melhora devido ao blog.
11. Você acha que o objetivo do professor foi alcançado?
Creio e espero que sim.
12. Você sugere que esse projeto seja aplicado aos futuros alunos?
Claro, pois eles poderam collher bons frutos a partir do Blog.

Moments worth living

We are always looking for happiness, but we forget that the real happiness stay on the , unforgettable and simple, greatful moments. These moments make us happy. To me, it even happens when I'm with my family, my grandparents, my parents, brothers, my cousins, especially at Christmas or New Year, or in trips with them. I feel it on a day-to-day too, when I'm in the CSA, talking with my friends, hanging out with them... And every minute that passes, I realize that I'm alive, so I think that I have to make the life worth. MAKE IT WORTH!

"Asi cada mañana de mi vida traigo del sueño ostro sueño" Pablo Neruda
By Felipe Dias.

quarta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2010

Voices From the List

The movie "Voices From the List" is based on the movie "The Schindler's List", and it's a documentary that contains depoiments of jew survivors of the holocaust.
The interviewed talk about the experience of being chased by the german authoritys, how it's like living in a ghetto and in concentration camps.
About a thousand two hundred jews survived the holocaust because of Schindler, who spent all his money on buying them. At first, Schindler's only objective was to make money with the jew work, that was cheaper than the german and the polish word, because they were being chased in these areas. But after seeing how jews were treated by germans such as Goeth, that killed them to have fun or for no reason, Schindler changed his mind and decided to save them.
We would recommend this film to anyone who would like to know more about what Schindler has done and about the holocaust.

segunda-feira, 14 de junho de 2010

Social Project: "Baú da Leitura"

This is a project in the rural zone of Bahia and Sergipe that founds a new way to defeat the school evasion, the child labor and illiteracy: the distribution of 50 thousand books for schools from 151 cities. The practice of reading incentives the children to stay in schools.

Founded in 1999 by UNICEF, the project started in 4 cities, with around 12 teachers only. The books offered by the project are for kids between 6 and 16 years. The histories read by the students helps them to learn about identity, environment and citizenship.

The rural schools were chosen because in this areas the access to information it's more dificult. Whith the help of the government the teachers of the rural schools are trained to use the material and integrate the reading activites at the school time once a week.

To incentivate the children to remain at schools the project shows a better perspective on life through the education, it helps the children not to work early.

quarta-feira, 9 de junho de 2010

Information about some sites

It’s a very cool and interesting relationship site, where you can talk to your friends, join communities, search for topics, make new friends and much more.

It’s a site where the visitor asks the owner questions about anything and the owner answers. You can make anonymous questions or not.

Wikipedia is a site where people research about anything, it’s very popular, one of the most accessed sites in the world. The informations are written by the users of the site.

This is a part of the Uol site, where you can play online games, without having to download them.

It’s the site of “Rede Globo”, where you can find the most recent news, and search the programmation of “Rede Globo Sat”. You can also make an e-mail from this site.

Akinator is a site where you think about a famous person, a genius makes random questions about it and tries to guess who it is.

Mercadolivre is like an online shop. The users announce whatever they want to sell, adding images, information and the price, and other people can see and buy it.

It’s a site where you can download all kinds of movies, from the old ones to the ones that are still in the cinema. There is a preview about the movie, and you can also comment about it.

YouTube is a site where people can make their account, so they can post their own videos, or just watch other user’s videos. You can rate and comment about the videos, and the most rated are displayed on the front page. Some videos cannot be posted on YouTube, like the ones containing pornography or the ones that infringe copyrights.

It’s a site where you can make your own blog, adding whatever you want, like videos, links, photos, informations, polls, and much more.

domingo, 30 de maio de 2010

Two years-old boy smoking

An Indonesian boy, only 2 years-old, smokes 40 cigarettes a day. The first cigarette was given by his father, when he was one year and 6 months of life, according to the English newspaper “Daily Mail”. That happens often at Indonesia, where 25% of children smoked at least once.

Ardi Rizal is his name, and he lives at Musi Banyuasin. He smokes only one mark of cigarette, making his parents spend 3,78 pounds a day. Local agents offered a new car to Rizal’s family if they make Ardi stop smoking but his parents refused. The reason is that they can’t control him, he is too much addicted and stubborn. His mother said that if they don’t give him cigarettes, he yells at them, get angry and beats his own head against the wall, and pretend to be dizzy and sick. “He treats cigarettes like another meal” said Diana, his mother. “I try to distract him with toys and games, but nothing works”

Despite all the problems, Mohhamed, his father, said he looks healthy and don’t see any problem in his son addiction. According to the Central Statistics Agency, 25% of children between 3 and 15 years have already smoked, and 3,2% of them are active smokers.

A video of a 4 years old boy smoking and blowing smoke rings, also from Indonesia, was added on YouTube in March, but it was quickly removed, due to protests from the users. One of the main reasons for the young smokers in Indonesia is that tobacco is very cheap there, it can be found anywhere and costs only a few cents.

To control the situation, a project was made, and it pretends to forbid cigarettes publicity and patronage, smoke in public and graphic images on the package. It’s going to be hard, because Indonesia is the third largest consumer of tobacco in the world.
